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Pain Center of Orlando

  • Kinkease Headquarters
    225 W. SR 434 Suite #205 Longwood Florida

« Omega 3- Update | Main | Osteoporosis Article-translatable »

January 29, 2009


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Mari Waters

My daughter is 15 and has her first flare in November 2007. What do you recommend for the pain aside from the prescription meds mentioned? We use RAN B (homeopathic) and it helped at first, but now, seems to take longer to work. Her flares now come on suddenly and last a week, she's missing so much school, and is depressed that she cannot be a typical 15 yr

Nicola Howcroft

I have suffered from Costo for 5 years due to a very bad viral infection. I can't take NSAIDS as i suffer from asthma. My GP has besically told me that there is nothing he can do for me. I take Amitryptyline for nerve pain and codrydromol when i flare badly. As you can imagine im very upset for it to have gone on this long, but im desperate for some kind of help with my healing. I was hoping you might be able to sugest somthing.
REgards Nicola
Cardiff UK


I have been having pain under my right breast for over a year now. I first went to my OBGYN with it last year and she first thought that it might be costochondritis caused by carrying a backpack on my right side. She tried putting me on a regimen of 800 mg of ibuprophen 3 times a day for 5 days and it did nothing. I notice that the pain is more intense a week or two before my period so I thought maybe it was hormone related. However, the pain is always there it's just more intense before my period. My OBGYN also told me to stop wearing underwire bras but for the most part she was not sure why the pain was continueing. So now I've seen a breast specialist and she thinks it may be nerve damage or fibrocystic. She gave me a regimen of taking vit E and primrose oil as well as no caffeine, no underwire bra, and ibuprophen (200mg 3 tmes a day) for 6 wks. Still no change in pain. I'm at a loss here. I had a mammo, chest xray, and sono last year. Should I have all this done again? Or should I suggest an MRI? What should I do?

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Thank you for articulating some great points. When ever reading a news alert item I also trying and join the topic stream.

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Proper exercise and balance diet are the key to have a healthy body and if you have a healthy body. Then there is a big possibility that a person could no longer suffer from chest pain.

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Proper exercise and balance diet are the key to have a healthy body and if you have a healthy body. Then there is a big possibility that a person could no longer suffer from chest pain.Thanks for sharing such a very helpful information.

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Proper exercise and balance diet are the key to have a healthy body and if you have a healthy body. Then there is a big possibility that a person could no longer suffer from chest pain.Thanks for sharing such a very helpful information.

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